Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith was an entertaining book reminding me of Jane Austin's novels.  The Heroine wrote the entire novel as a diary entry, which normally I find tedious, however, in this novel I found that I couldn't wait to see what she would write next.  The novel was published in 1948, two years before my mom was born, but I think the setting was actually around 1930 or so.  The book also reminded me of D. H. Lawrence's Women in Love but wasn't as slow moving.  I didn't feel quite the pitch of excitement as Jane Austin's novels when reading I Capture the Castle, but it was still very engaging in a more modern way.  I can see why one review stated that I Capture the Castle was the segway into writings such as are published by James Joyce, although I find James Joyce much more complicated and less enjoyable.  I was disappointed at the ending of the book, but explaining why may ruin it for other readers.  Ok, I'll ruin it.  If you read further, you own it, not me.  Cassandra doesn't end up with Simon!  Grrrrr.  After all that.  The possibility is open, but I don't like possibilities, I want the satisfaction of seeing it come to fruition.  I would rate this book an A.

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