Saturday, July 30, 2011

Witch and Wizard by James Patterson

Good book. A touch of Harry Potteresqueness in it. Against all odds two children, Wisteria Allgood (witch), 15 years old, and her brother, Witford Allgood (Wizard), 17, with supernatural powers, who don't realize they have these powers and slowly discover them out of violent neccessity, end up saving the world from destruction. The setting is when there are DVDs, players. I would give it a 6/10. Maybe if I was a teenager the rating would be higher.

Android Karenina by Leo Tolstoy and Ben H. Winters

Couldn't read it. Way too boring. Weird and bizarre book. I did read Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy (I guess I should review it but it's been a while) but this one was unreadable for me. Maybe I'll try again at some point in my life.

Jemima J by Jane Green

This book would be rated R if it was a movie. Wow, LOTS of sex scenes. Language was not ok. I wouldn't encourage my daughter to read this book. I would actually stop her from reading it with all my effort. I did though. I don't know how many people really lose over 100 pounds in a couple of months, look like a super-model and then marry the most gorgeous man ever known who happened to also love her when she was severely overweight and who ends up with him in the end. It's possible though. I liked how the book told what it feels like to be severely overweight. The description of some of the very ugly people who were beautiful on the outside was good to read as well. I would give this book a 6/10.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Please Ignore Vera Dietz by A.S. King

I enjoyed this book and found it interresting. This was a teen book. I enjoyed the twists in the story and I enjoyed slowly finding out what was going on. Although Vera was the main character, some of the story was told from the point of view of Vera's friend/boyfriend and her father. Time also jumped around. In one chapter Vera would tell the story from when she was 14, in another chapter when she was 17, and in another chapter she would tell it from the present. I liked the ending and how the father and daughter reconciled by Vera deciding to tell the police that Charlie wasn't responsible for the pet shop burning down. Vera asked her father to go with her. She trusted him and turned to him for help. She understood how to help her father after the father's sad neglect from his mother by letting her father know that she loved him and needed and appreciated him. Outside of the profound amount of swearing, this book was really good. I also was grossed out by the perverted guy in the car that Charlie sold his underwear to. Gag. The wife beating thing was hard to read about as well, but these two circumstances didn't get so overwhealming that I regretted reading it and things like this happen, that still doesn't mean I want to read about it though. I would give this book an eight out of ten.

Wind Dancer by Jamie Carie

This book was OK. It was an entertaining and mildly interesting Christian historical romance which reminded me of a Harlequin Romance book. The story took place in the early 1800s in America when it was being settled describing how it may have been for the Europeans when dealing with the Native American people and how it felt trying to settle the land. The story was not told at all from the Native American point of view. Had this book been a movie I would guess it would be rated R since a graphic scene took place where a man was burned at the stake while the heroine watched. The ending was pleasant and everything worked out very well for most of the characters. I don't know about the accuracy of the history as described, but overall I enjoyed the book. I would give it about a 5 out of 10.