Friday, October 11, 2013

The Book of Night Women by Marlon James

Too raw for me.  I think it's important to read about these circumstances in detail so as to prevent history from repeating itself and to respect what others have gone through, however, I now know about it, so there's no need to dwell on something so vulgar and negative.

The slaves in Jamaica (I'm sure the accounts were based on some kind of truth) sure went through a nightmare of a time. I believe the accounts written about in this book took place in some way or another in real life given the propensity for men/women to abuse power once they have it.  The language is very offensive and if this were a movie it would probably be rated XXX.

The heroine, Lilith, suffers horribly throughout the novel and it is a miracle that at the end she is still alive. That such atrocities took place at the hand of fellow human beings is disgusting and shameful.

The characters were somewhat too distant for me.  I would have liked to know them better.  Most of the novel surrounds itself with the atrocities which took place, which is fine, however, I enjoy more insight into the characters.

Just because this novel is not my taste and too violent for me, I would give it a 4/10, however, I'm sure some decent reviewer would score this higher.

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