Tuesday, August 2, 2011

City of Bones by Cassandra Clare

A little bit too much evil going on in this book to make me feel comfortable reading it. This book talks about Satan and his followers. That's a little much for me. I did read the whole thing though and will probably try to read the other two books at some point (City of Angels and City of Glass), but if you won't let your child read Harry Potter because you think it's too evil, this book should be completely off-limits. As I was reading through this book it took me a while to figure out what was going on. I did like that part and the book hasn't totally made sense yet, but enough for me to get the picture or understand what is going on. It has been about three or four months since I've read it, but from what I remember, some people pass as angels and have powers that humans don't have (which actually seems that way sometimes with normal people who actually don't have powers) which would fit right in to real life, so there is an element of being able to believe it could be true. I think the world is going to be destroyed by the evil angels and the good angels are trying to protect the earth and it's people. This is a book for teenagers. I have two teenagers, which is why I am into these teen books! I find I am really enjoying some of them. This book would be about a 61/2 out of 10.

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