Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Pilate's Wife by Antoinette May

I thought this book was GREAT! I really enjoyed reading it. It was a lot like Cleopatra which I read about a year ago (I don't remember who the author was). I found it very interesting to read about how the author portrayed Pilate's Wife's life (her name was Claudia). I wonder how accurate the portrayal was as I have not studied Roman history outside of very briefly in school. We touched on it at University at times, but not in depth at all.
A description of Claudia as a little girl, her relationship with her parents and siblings and extended family, her courtship and marriage to Pilate and her affair were all described in this novel. Claudia's religious beliefs and those of others were shared as well.
I did not feel comfortable with the depiction of Jesus at all, or his disciples towards the ending, but I considered that the author did what she could with her knowledge. The author's adding a relationship with Miriam was something that I would have felt better if it was left out of the novel.
There was a lot of horrific violence and love affairs, which, for the Romans and the people living in this time, I am guessing was what probably did occur for at least some people. We see this today, so it is not that huge of a jump to believe. I tend to think of Pilot as nothing but a sub-human brute, but this book depicted him as a very human man with feelings. It was very believable that he could have been this way. I did like that Pilot did not really want to convict Jesus. I thought this when I read that section of the bible as well.
It was fascinating reading about what life may have been like for Pilot and for people living at that time. I enjoyed this book so much that I had a hard time doing other things. I would give this book a 9/10.

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