Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Sins of the Mother by Danielle Steele

I haven't read a Danielle Steele book in many many years besides one a couple of years ago.  I have her up when I read one about a clone that really turned me off back when I was around 23.  I'm almost 46 now.  The Sins of the Mother was lacking, but good enough to read.  I didn't find it a literary masterpiece or anything, but the story was mildly entertaining.  Reminds me of Nicolas Sparks.  I think Nicolas Sparks gets more into the details of sexual exploits, but Danielle Steel I think used to from what I can remember.  This novel glazes over those sections and leaves the rest to your imagination.  The swearing is toned down from what I remember of her as well.

A mother who worked really hard building one of the most successful businesses in the world wasn't there for her children while they were growing up and they are all resentful of her missing from their lives.  The mother, Olivia, is extremely wealthy and can afford anything and takes her family on amazing vacations once a year for two weeks.  The novel is about her children forgiving her and them all being one big happy family in the end.

I enjoyed the story of her oldest son Philip and his relationship to a cold-hearted and ambitious wife and how he ended up having an affair (which I don't agree with) and leaving her and ending his marriage. Philip was very angry when he found out his mother was fooling around with Peter, a co-worker/employee and he ended up doing the same thing.  I guess the entire story was not in enough detail and seemed glazed over in order to just pump out a story.  Good enough though, to fulfill most peoples' demand for entertainment I guess. I would have liked more development of character.

I would give this book a 6/10.

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