Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Babysitter by Diana Diamond

This was a pretty good book.  It was the best out of the series I've read by Diana Diamond so far.  I don't know how to write about it without giving away the story, but I can say that it was interesting and entertaining.  The only part that I didn't like was the violence, as with all her books.  This book was quite well thought-out in my opinion and I was impressed with the author's skills. Again, someone ridiculously wealthy was in the picture.  There were no tedious parts for me in the book, probably because courts were not involved, or the judicial system.  Someone Spanish was in the story, so that made it interesting, because most of the characters seem to be Caucasian; I guess I enjoyed other points of view and some semblance of reality, but again, it's a fantasy novel and that is part of what I enjoy.  I thought having a babysitter live in your home and watch your children so closely while you attend to other things interested me the most.  The dynamics of that situation seem like something I would not be comfortable living with, yet at the same time want for myself.  I give this book an 8/10.

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